Handling your finances as a sole trader can be tough. There are many benefits to this type of work, but it is also difficult and often stressful to keep on top of your finances. You will want to maximise profits, control your spending, pay yourself a healthy salary, and handle your tax obligations, which is difficult when you also have a business to run. Keeping this in mind, this article will suggest a couple of financial tips for sole traders that should help you keep on top of your finances and reduce stress. Interested? Read on to learn how to keep on top of your finances.
Keep Business & Personal Finances Separate
One of the most common errors that sole traders make is not separating their business and personal finances. This can be dangerous as it becomes a lot trickier to keep track of your finances and understand your business’s financial health. Additionally, you want to avoid getting into a habit of using your business money for personal use and vice versa. Open up separate accounts for simplicity.
Create A Budget
You should also create a budget for your business that will help you control your spending. This will involve your fixed expenses, such as rent and insurance, as well as your variable costs, such as supplies. Of course, you must also calculate your tax obligations and keep this in a separate account. You should also put aside a small amount of your monthly income into an emergency fund (more onthis below).
Find Ways To Make Savings
You should always be on the lookout for ways to make savings so that you can improve your bottom line, but you must make sure that these savings do not negatively impact the product/service you provide. One excellent way to make savings is with a fuel card for self employed workers. These fuel cards can provide savings with competitive fuel prices and discounts, plus they can be helpful for expense management with digital invoicing and VAT-compliant reports. These cards can also be used at 86% of fuel stations in the UK.
Have An Emergency Fund
Having an emergency fund is vital as a sole trader. You can turn to this fund during quiet periods or if there is a sudden, unexpected cost you need to cover. You should generally have at least three months’ worth of expenses in this emergency fund. It should also be kept in an easy-access account so that you can get the money the same day if required. In addition to financial protection, you will find that the emergency fund will also provide peace of mind.
These financial tips should be useful for a sole trader. Managing your finances can be stressful, challenging, and time-consuming, but when you know the best way to keep on top of your finances and maximise your bottom line, you will find it much easier to keep on top of and adopt positive practices that will help your business thrive.