Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin or the body cannot effectively utilise the insulin it produces.
Insulin is a hormone normally produced by pancreatic cells. This hormone is used to transport glucose in the blood into the cells for energy production.
A common effect of uncontrolled diabetes is hyperglycaemia (i.e. high blood glucose levels), which over time can severely damage many organs, particularly nerves and blood vessels.
Main symptoms of diabetes
– Increased thirst
– Increased frequency of going to the bathroom
– Increased hunger
– Unusual and infrequent weight loss
– Increased fatigue
In people with diabetes, it is particularly important to control all relevant risk factors, such as hypertension, cholesterol and obesity, not just glycaemic control, although it is clear that blood sugar is the worst problem.
Blood sugar control is important because very high blood sugar levels can lead to life-threatening medical emergencies and lead to coma or other dangerous situations. High blood sugar levels for years can lead to long-term effects such as poor wound healing, nerve, blood cell and kidney damage, heart disease, stroke and vision problems.
Diabetes: what is recommended?
We recommend a Mediterranean diet characterised by an abundance of fresh vegetable products, avoiding products rich in refined sugar, red meat. Yes to olive oil as the main source of fat, as well as low-fat cheese, yoghurt, chicken and moderate consumption of fish, which are considered to prevent cardiovascular disease ideal diet.
Other products that benefit people with diabetes
The most popular of these are blueberries, pomegranates, raspberries, maqui and blackberries. A small daily dose is sufficient to prevent coronary heart disease due to their high antioxidant capacity, which helps prevent the oxidation process of cholesterol in the blood; they also balance blood sugar levels after meals and improve metabolic.
For example, almonds and walnuts provide many minerals and vitamins. These include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins and vitamin E, which help maintain good cardiovascular health. Their satiety helps with weight.
The olive leaf is also known as a symbol of celestial power. Ancient cultures have realised what science is discovering: olive leaves have extraordinary health benefits. The phenolic oleuropein, one of the main active compounds in olive leaves, has these benefits. One of the products suitable for helping to lower blood sugar is OLIFE. It is useful for lowering blood pressure. However, recent research has shown that they also act as good antioxidants, strengthening the immune system against unwanted viruses and bacteria.