Dealing with bankruptcy can be pretty challenging; filing for bankruptcy can be demanding, but it will also be a new opportunity you must grab to restart a new life. Many myths have been rumored regarding bankruptcy, and many people are buying them. In this circumstance, you can seek assistance from professionals and experts in Orlando, such as Benenati Law Firm. With their help, you can easily learn about the common myths about bankruptcy. In addition, your attorney should also debunk those myths and help you preserve your rights.
Bankruptcy is very challenging
If you are dealing with a bankruptcy process and reading all the paperwork by yourself, then it may seem demanding. However, if you have already hired the best bankruptcy attorney who is skilled, experienced, and has a good track record, then you should rest assured since all your paperwork will be handled by your attorney. In addition, if you have any queries, your attorney will surely clarify them.
Bankruptcy is your career’s dead-end.
Many people think and rumored a myth about bankruptcy, which is bankruptcy means you lose everything; it is a dead-end for your career. However, if observed, you will understand that bankruptcy allows starting from zero again. If you are worried about liquidation, then you should know that there are exemptions through which you can save some of your valuable assets. However, exemptions differ according to your state.
Bankruptcy can only be filed once.
Bankruptcy is not a long process if you have submitted all your documents transparently; however, many people think that you cannot file for bankruptcy more than once. This is not true; bankruptcy can be filed more than once. However, the waiting period differs according to Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. If you have filed for Chapter 7, then you may have to wait for some years to file again, and if you have filed for Chapter 13, then you have to wait for a certain period to file your bankruptcy again.
Bankruptcy ruins your credit forever.
Once you have filed for bankruptcy and gone through the process, you will surely lose your credit score, and there will be a bankruptcy report on your credit score. However, this does not mean that you cannot replenish your credit score again. Rather than focusing on your loss, if you give all your attention to rebuilding your credit score, you can see the results over time.
You cannot get a loan again.
After you have been through bankruptcy, it will be difficult for other creditors to lend you a loan again. However, many lenders provide loans for people with a bankruptcy history. You just have to make sure that you show responsible behavior by returning payments on time and following all the rules they have set for your agreement.
Consult your bankruptcy attorney in Orlando today!
If you are hearing some myths about bankruptcy, you must consider consulting your bankruptcy attorney about it.