Millions of men and women across the country struggle with unwanted facial or body hair. Most resort to temporary methods like shaving, tweezing, or waxing, but these can get tiresome. Waxing and tweezing are painful, and shaving can leave behind stubble or razor burn. People who want longer-lasting results are better off looking into laser hair removal.
People often assume they can’t afford laser hair removal treatments from certified specialists. What they’re not considering is the ongoing costs associated with more temporary hair removal procedures. This article will take a look at the true cost of hair removal, including laser treatments.
How Laser Hair Removal Works
To understand the costs associated with laser hair removal vs other methods of dealing with body hair, people need to know how the process works. Laser hair removal typically involves multiple visits to a med spa, where a trained technician will apply concentrated light to hair follicles. This process kills the follicles and prevents them from producing more hair without damaging the surrounding skin.
Average Costs Per Session
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons cites the average cost of laser hair removal as $389. However, the cost per session can vary substantially depending on how large the area is and how much hair must be removed. For small areas, the average cost per session is between $175 and $350, depending on what part of the body is being treated. For larger areas, the average cost is upwards of $600 per session.
Number of Treatments Required
Laser hair removal offers long-term results, but it’s not a quick fix. Each treatment thins the hair substantially, making it lighter and finer, but getting the area completely hair-free generally requires four to six treatments over a year. Most people schedule treatments at four- to six-week intervals, then go back for touch-ups each year until they’re no longer needed.
What’s Included?
The cost per session generally includes not just the laser treatment itself but also topical anesthetics to numb the area and prevent pain, plus post-treatment care products like soothing agents and sunscreen. Prescriptions for medication may also be required in some cases.
Will Health Insurance Pay for Laser Hair Removal?
As a general rule, health insurance plans don’t cover cosmetic procedures. As a result, they don’t typically offer coverage for laser hair removal. Patients may, however, be able to find affordable treatment plans. Flexible spending accounts can also be used to cover the costs.
Is Laser Hair Removal Worth the Cost?
For most people, the alternative to getting laser hair removal isn’t to just ignore the problem. People instead wind up paying for expensive professional waxing treatments, fancy razors, and many other products throughout their lives. While each of these hair removal methods costs less than laser hair removal sessions in the short term, the expenses add up.
With laser hair removal, on the other hand, the costs are all up-front. People must pay for multiple sessions, but at the end of them, they’ll be able to ditch the razors and painful waxing sessions. In other words, laser hair removal is more cost-effective over time than other methods for hair removal.
Where to Go for Treatments
People who want to try laser hair removal need to find a reputable med spa that hires licensed professionals to run the machines. These facilities offer laser hair removal treatments at competitive prices but never compromise patient safety or satisfaction.