When someone we love passes away, it can be a shock – even if they have been sick for some time and we have been well aware that they may pass away soon. Once it happens, you and your loved ones will need time to grieve. But aside from having to deal with their death, you may also have to deal with paperwork, and there are some documents that are a requirement if you want to register your loved one’s death as well as arrange their funeral and burial or cremation. One of the essential documents you need is a medical certificate for cause of death, but what are the steps to take to acquire this? Here’s how you can properly acquire a medical certificate for cause of death: your essential guide.
What it is
The cause of death medical certificate is a document that will give information about the person who has died, including their name, age, and the place of death as well as the cause of their death. If the cause of the person’s death has already been established, you can receive the certificate right away. But if the cause of their death is not clear, you will only receive the certificate after further assessment and investigation.
Who can provide it?
The certificate will be written by a physician, and you will receive it in a sealed envelope after you have been told what the cause was. If you do not fully understand the diagnosis due to the medical terms, do not be afraid to ask the physician to explain it. The process for acquiring the certificate can differ based on where the person passed away, so if you need help with this, you can seek help from a professional funeral director, such as one from www.carrollandcarrollfunerals.co.uk.
Is it different from a death certificate?
Some of us may be confused as to the difference between a medical certificate showing how someone died and a death certificate. A cause of death certificate is different from a death certificate because it will be issued by a physician after a person has passed away. It will include details of the cause of death and it is a requirement for you to register their death.
The death certificate, on the other hand, is a statutory document that will be issued and completed by the registrar. You will receive this once you have registered the death. It will serve as the official document or notification that the person has died, and it is a requirement for the management of the person’s estate.
What to do if you cannot receive it right away
If the cause of death of the person is unknown or their death is sudden, there may be a delay in receiving the medical certificate of cause of death. An unexpected death, for instance, will have to go through the coroner, and the coroner may then ask for an examination. If this happens, there will be further delays in the funeral arrangements.
There are other steps you will need to take, such as registering the death and making arrangements to bring your deceased loved one into proper care. You may also have to arrange their funeral, so if you need to do all these, you can seek professional help from a funeral director so they can assist you with everything you need.