There are many backend frameworks out there, and each of them brings its plethora of benefits.
However, recently, one framework stands out from the rest due to its functionality, simplicity, and ease of deployment. That is the Laravel framework. Read along to understand why this framework is probably the best choice for the development of your project.
Laravel Defined
Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework that offers an expressive and elegant syntax. It was created by Taylor Otwell and based on the MVC architectural pattern (model-view-controller) based on Symfony. Laravel provides a creative web environment with an innovative process that surely satisfies the requirements of your client.
Plus, its simplicity makes the development process an easy one, especially in routing, caching, authentication, and sessions.
The goal of Laravel is to ensure satisfaction and at the same time provide the ultimate functionality. Hence, its tools for coding help you design robust applications. With laravel, you can also have a superb inversion of the control container and an expressive migration system. Without a doubt, Laravel fights for that number one spot to compete for the best backend frameworks. However, there is no perfect framework. Even laravel comes with its share of cons. Let’s go over both the pros and cons and let you decide which ones outweigh the others.
Pros of Laravel
If you are in love with PHP – this is the right framework for you. PHP is a programming language that is specially made for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is an open-source general-purpose language whose code is executed on the server, generating HTML, which, then, is sent to the client. Laravel shows off when it comes to the abundance of different tools available for PHP and makes it pretty easy to learn. With PHP screencasts, it is even more convenient to grasp the knowledge of Laravel.
MVC Architectural Pattern
Laravel is built upon the model-view-controller architectural pattern. This pattern enables you to avoid any kind of incomprehensible architectural form where the PHP code and the HTML code are written in the same file.
Another advantage of the Laravel framework is the facilitated process of managing and abstracting the Routing process. It is a hassle-free process that enables you to route all your application requests to its appropriate controller. The Routes in Laravel accept a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and a closure that guarantees a simple and expressive way of routing.
Excellent ORM
ORM or Object Relational Mapping Support is another service available in Laravel that automates and abstracts the model part. With the ORM, you can create any relational database you like.
Cons of Laravel
Less Inbuilt Support
Laravel is a pretty simple framework that can be considered lightweight, and hence, there is less inbuilt support when, for example, you compare it to Ruby on Rails or Django. If the web project you are working on is large or custom, there might be problems when integrating third-party tools as the whole process becomes more complicated.
Relatively New Framework
Laravel has existed since 2011, which makes it a relatively new framework. Because of this, the composer is not so strong in comparison to npm or ruby gems and pip. When a framework is more recent than the rest, it is always taken with precaution, especially when larger and complex web projects should be developed.
Issues with Upgrades
When it comes to PHP platforms, generally speaking, they all have a few issues with upgrades, and Laravel is not an exception. It has been noted that several updates caused minor problems. However, expert laravel developers can smooth out the process, especially if they are experienced and have worked with Laravel extensively before. So, yes, there might be problems with new versions and upgrades, but nothing that an expert Laravel developer can’t handle.
Laravel is an awesome open-source backend framework based on PHP. It brings a plethora of benefits to the web project and has several drawbacks that might put you in doubt about whether to choose it for building your web app. However, all it takes is expertise, experience, and creative coding, and you can feel how Laravel meets all your expectations.
Keep in mind that there is no perfect framework, so when choosing which one to work with, always lay out each of the pros and cons and then decide.