Getting a bong gets intimidating for first-time buyers – and we all have been there.
Depending on where you prefer to shop and what features you are after – bongs prices might range anywhere from $40 to $600. Yes – wow.
Bongs Prices
We get it, an average smoker or a collector does not want to spend their weeks’ earnings on a single bong. Still, we recommend getting something that makes you happy.
Most stoners prefer bongs that offer a perfect hit, are easy to clean, and let them make the most out of the weed. You will find many cliché multi-chamber glasses or plexiglass devices with many bells and whistles – but, every bong has its own pros and cons.
Bongs Prices – A Spending Spree?
Nuh-uh, you can easily get a bong that can hit well without having to break the bank. The most inexpensive bongs can be bought for as low as $20 or even $5. These are regular water pipes with a base and a carburetor, made with either glass or plastic.
To fully examine how bongs prices work, below are some general prices ranges;
Quality and Appearance – $20 to #35
If you are looking to spend more than $20, you have an array of options offering better design and quality. You can buy ceramic bongs at this price plus there are quite many intricately designed bongs that are up for grabs at this price.
Bigger and Better Bongs – $80 or above
The bong sizes while mostly irrelevant, become important as a bigger bong might have an additional water chamber in it. Such bongs are called percolator bongs, that filter and cool down the smoke. Using these bongs you can expect smoother and cooler hits, reducing the coughing chances.
How? The pressure that a percolator puts on the smoke helps in breaking down the smoke in water, letting you inhale smoke easily. Spending a bit more on a bong makes the most out of your money’s worth as it enhances the product experience and its usage.
Newer And Intricate Bongs – $100 and above
Are you looking for a modern-looking design that can showcase your individuality?
You might be in luck as there is no end to bongs prices and what it can offer, like the 13 carburetors or more models. It can be hard to learn how to work it at first, but it turns rather satisfying once you get the hang of it. In such bongs, the smoke is even more purified as it passes through different and multiple chambers.
So, if you are on the lookout for an intricate bong but do not want to spend tons of money, look for a piece that is complex yet smaller.
Durability and Distinctive Bongs – $1,000
Want to buy a premium quality bong? You might need to spend quite a bit of money on this.
However, the price comes with good enough reasons to go for it. The glass bongs are very hard to make and many are considered to be authentic works of art.
You can also choose to go with customized bongs, if you need a particular design, you might need to fork up $1000 or more.
Like the pieces of art, the more extraordinary and unique the bong, the higher will be the price it will drive.
How to find the perfect bong?
First off, consider the size of a bong.
A large bong might be good for an experienced smoker for achieving the biggest hit, but it also needs to be handy for traveling. And for traveling, one has to prefer a rather portable and smaller bong.
The durability of the bong is also an important factor, as when you are high – are you clumsy? If so, you do not want to buy an expensive piece that can shatter if you are not being extra careful while using it,
Does Bongs Prices Matter?
The price you pay for a piece might not always correspond to the quality of the bong.
Sometimes, you get the same experience from two differently priced bongs. If you want to try a bong on a budget, compliment it with products that work well with it. When you want to spend more, get the items specifically custom-made for yourself.
Psst.. you might also be able to find a collector’s piece to add to your growing bongs collection at Everything For 420!
Final Word
It might take a bit of experience, advice (for which our support personnel is available 24/7), and research to get the right product for yourself. Yet, this becomes rather easy when you know what you want. We hope that this blog post gave you a good idea of the bong’s prices and the product range.
Hopefully, this becomes a good starting point for your bong search out there, do remember when you get the perfect bong, you will not have to buy another one for a long time.