There are countless benefits to owning an online business, from lower overhead costs to geographical flexibility. Alas, there are always two sides to a coin, and the one disadvantage that this business model faces is an objectively harder time cultivating a healthy business-client relationship. This is chiefly due to a lack of face-to-face interactions, granting fewer opportunities to build loyalty and trust. But just because it’s harder, it doesn’t mean it’s unobtainable.
Incentives and Rewards
The first thing you should consider is how to make your customers feel valued, which will in turn translate to them being more loyal to you. This can be very easily achieved by providing incentives to continue choosing your business over others. It can take any form you want, such as a free item after purchasing from you a certain amount of times or a discount code sent out for their birthday. Alternatively, you could consider implementing some sort of reward system where they gain points with every purchase.
If you’re having a hard time figuring out how to implement this, we’d suggest taking inspiration from other successful online companies. For instance, you can analyze the online casino sector which commonly offers innovative reward systems. A recent one would be the PokerStars Power Path, which provides players with a free Power Path Step 1 ticket after a win. This can then be used to progress through four steps and gives them entry into their online events. Judging by the recent data published by Statista, showcasing that their user base is set to reach 291.4 million users by 2029, this industry knows what it’s doing.
So, as you can see, you can get as creative as you want when it comes to how you incentivize your clients. One other common offer that tends to do quite well is a referral system. People often automatically trust whatever their loved ones recommend, so this doubles also as an ingenious way to expand your client base. There are a myriad of other options you can try out, so just make sure to take the time to review what could work for you and your clients.
Connecting with Your Clients
Trust often goes hand in hand with loyalty, and it’s equally important to foster. Alas, this is typically only easily achieved through face-to-face interactions. So as an online business, you’ll have to get a bit more creative and leverage the available tools in your arsenal to engage with your customers. The simplest thing you can do is personalize your communication with every client, especially when it comes to email marketing strategies.
You don’t have to overcomplicate this, it can even be something like using their names and perhaps mentioning past purchases. Alternatively, you could send out surveys and implement changes based on their feedback. This can make your clients feel seen and, as such, trust your online company more.
However, we’d argue that the best tool you could use in this day and age is social media. After all, the majority of internet users utilize this not only to stay in touch with friends but also to learn more about different brands. As such, the type of content you publish is crucial to forge a connection with your clients. You should work on crafting something that is as engaging as it is informative.
For example, consider shooting behind-the-scenes videos of how your products are made. Alternatively, you could show what your employees do at work. Transparency is key here, as it will allow your clientele to learn about your company in a more authentic way. And don’t forget to reply to any comments they leave, which will reinforce the connection you’ve made.
If your clients are loyal to you, they’re more likely to continue going back to purchase your products/services. And if they trust you, they’ll be more likely to tell others about you, which is basically free marketing. So whilst the business landscape is extremely competitive, working on crafting a healthy business-client relationship could give you the edge you need to succeed online.