Controlling bubble continuous positive airway pressure (bCPAP) in infants is like learning a ride. The beginning is always challenging, which requires advanced training and attention to detail. However, it is very safe for the user, not much expensive, as well as better for the environment. It is not easy to start a bCPAP program, but it is possible and practical. It involves significant training for all team members, such as physicians, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, bedside nurses, and feeding specialists. Moreover, it requires close attention to detail at all times. However, it produces better results, which is less expensive of illnesses, and lowers healthcare expenses.
How does the machine work?
The bubble CPAP machine is easy to use. However, it consists of a breathing circuit with an inspiratory limb that delivers a heated, cool, and dry gas mixture to the newborn. Although, an exhalation limb is submerged in a container to achieve the required pressure. Gas flow allows bubbles to form under the water, producing oscillations in the water level. As a result, pressure is provided on the patient. When the Bubble CPAP patient receives an undulating rather than a continuous pressure. This oscillation effect may contribute to b-volume CPAP’s recruitment power.
CPAP has many physiological benefits. It also relieves respiratory difficulties in spontaneously breathing preterm babies. By stenting the airway and diaphragm, it preserves alveoli inflated, which boosts the lung’s functional residual capacity, and improves ventilation and circulation.
A lot of randomized controlled trials comparing the early nasal CPAP efficacy against mechanical ventilation have been efficiently launched. These trials did not use b-CPAP specifically but instead any type of CPAP. Also, it did not include information on competency-based training to verify its efficacy. Despite these worries, research showed that using CPAP early in life to premature babies, such as those as young as 24-25 weeks, was safe. But, it is also free from side effects with no changes in mortality or CLD.
There are two major explanations for the lower CLD, possibly in b-CPAP systems. The first factor is the type of CPAP and nasal prongs used. The second factor is the caregiver’s ability to use b-CPAP at the bedside. As a result, the b-CPAP strategy is the overall set of services that demands clear standards and guidelines and a proper training process.
We offer a practical learning course that reconnects workers with b-CPAP components and guidelines of use. However, it is also important to learn the method of administration, checkpoints for maintenance, diagnosis of problems, weaning strategies, and indications for b-CPAP failure to enable infant facilities to reproduce b-CPAP success.
The Committee on Unborn Babies of the American Academy of Pediatrics recently recognized a lack of research on the safety and effectiveness of these methods. None of the other non-invasive techniques was able to match the success of CPAP’s in lowering CLD. The inference that all CPAP and non-invasive treatments are as effective as b-CPAP is actually false in the absence of data on CLD decrease.