According to recent study findings, poor-quality indoor air can chop off up to 1.8 years from your lifespan. Common causes of poor-quality air include air pollution from industries, molds, dust, fur from pets, etc. According to research, environmental pollution is one of the biggest causes of untimely death around the globe. This tells you the importance of breathing high-quality air. That’s why you shouldn’t ignore your air filters. Choose the right size. Buy furnace filters by size. The following are the top ways high-quality air filters can prolong your life.
Poor Quality Air And Mortality Rate
According to research, long exposure to particles can cause respiratory and heart-related diseases. The ultrafine particles can easily penetrate the lungs and find their way into the blood through the blood vessels. Finally, they can enter different organs, including the heart.
That’s why people located in industrial areas are prone to stroke and heart attacks. If you are living close to an unpaved road, you are likely to suffer from lung diseases.
Reduce Airborne PM
A study carried out at the University of Texas found that more than 90,000 Americans die each year because of air pollution. These figures are worrying. Fortunately, you can install air cleaner and purifier and improve the quality of the air you breathe. However, make sure that you are purchasing the right size. Choose the right type of air purifier. Ask an expert to guide you. Also, ensure that your air purifier is installed correctly.
Developing Countries
If you are living in a developing world, you need an air purifier. This is because air pollution in developing countries is higher than the developed nations. The air in these countries is dirty. Remember, poor-quality air can reduce your lifespan. If you are living in these countries, purchase highly MERV-rated air purifiers.
Comfort Levels
If you want comfortable interiors, invest in good air purifiers. Choose a purifier with a higher MERV rating. Poor-quality air will turn your interiors into uncomfortable spaces. To increase comfort levels, change air filters regularly. Get the installation process right. Research shows that comfortable people tend to be happy. This prolongs their lives.
Office Productivity
Poor quality air can reduce your productivity at the office. It can also increase stress levels. That’s why employees in poorly ventilated offices fall sick often, which can affect their overall lifespans,
Good For Kids, Older Adults
Kids are venerable to the effects of poor-quality air. Older people are also venerable to breathing complications. Long-term exposure to dust can affect their respiratory systems.
That’s why you need the right air filter to help them breathe quality air. This will improve their lifespan.
The Bottom-Line
You want to live longer, right? Well, invest in high-quality air filters. Change the filters as directed by your manufacturer. Get the right filters. Install them properly. Air filters can prolong your life. Besides minimizing allergies, air filters can keep breathing problems at bay. The above are the top ways air filters can prolong your life.