It’s no secret that driving under the influence is dangerous. But what about drunk driving? It may not be as immediately obvious, but the risks are just as real. Here’s a look at why you should never get behind the wheel after even just a few drinks.
Drink driving and its dangers
Driving while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things a person can do. Not only is it incredibly irresponsible, but it also puts everyone on the road in danger. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair reaction time and judgment – which can lead to potentially fatal consequences. Unfortunately, many people still don’t understand the dangers associated with drink driving. This lack of awareness needs to be addressed through education as well as harsher punishment for those that choose to disregard the law and put other drivers at risk. Despite our best attempts, drink driving remains an issue that we need to continuously address in order to increase safety on the roads and prevent avoidable deaths and injuries.
How alcohol affects your ability to drive
Alcohol can have serious consequences when it comes to operating a vehicle. It impairs judgement, reaction time, and motor coordination, leading to potentially hazardous driving behavior. Alcohol affects different individuals in different ways based on weight, how recently it was consumed, and the overall amount. With even small amounts of alcohol present in the bloodstream, you may find yourself having difficulty staying in your lane, tracking cars around you, or having slower reaction times when approaching stop signs or traffic lights. Furthermore, drinking any amount of alcohol before getting behind the wheel will make a driver more likely to take risks and less likely to be aware of their own limitations or an oncoming danger. For these reasons, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol before driving in order to ensure the safety of not just yourself but other drivers and passengers as well.
Some statistics about drink driving accidents
Every day, the world is faced with the unfortunate realities of drinking and driving. According to the World Health Organization, it’s estimated that alcohol contributes to over 200,000 road deaths annually. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 3 of all road traffic deaths across the globe are caused by drunk drivers.
Moreover, almost 20% of drivers involved in fatal car accidents had a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit. These statistics are heartbreaking and illustrate the impact that drink driving can have on our roads and society. Despite such alarming numbers, steps must still be taken to prevent future occurrences of this public safety hazard.
Drink driving in the UK vs the rest of the world
In the UK, drink driving is viewed with a serious lack of leniency. Throughout Europe, everything from jail time to license revocations may be administered in order to ensure safety on the roads, but the UK takes punitive measures especially seriously.
This is not, by any means, to say that all other countries around the world are embracing a laissez-faire attitude when it comes to alcohol and automobiles; far from it!
Though some countries have policies that are indeed more lenient than those of the UK, drink driving is a sign of irresponsibility regardless of the country setting – and the consequences can rake heavily on those who make unsafe decisions.
UK drink driving stats
- In the UK, drink driving accidents account for around one in eight of all road traffic accidents.
- Drink driving accidents are more common in rural areas than in urban areas.
- Drink driving accidents are more common in the summer months than in the winter months.
- The majority of drink driving accidents involve male drivers.
- The majority of drink driving accidents involve drivers aged 25-34.
- The majority of drink driving accidents involve drivers who have been drinking alcohol above the legal limit.
- The majority of drink driving accidents occur at night time.
- The majority of drink driving accidents occur at weekends
What you should do if you’re ever in a situation where you’ve had too much to drink
Specialist motoring law firm Caddick Davies urges drivers not to drink and drive at any cost. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have had too much to drink, there are certain things you should remember to do. First and foremost, do not get behind the wheel of a car no matter what. Drinking and driving can end in tragedy, so instead call a friend or family member to pick you up, or even better call a rideshare service who can take you home safely. It’s also important to make sure that the amount of alcohol consumed is kept in check and that if necessary, food is eaten before drinking more. Finally, it’s important to pace yourself and know your limits when it comes to consuming alcoholic beverages; beyond having safe transportation thereafter, understanding how much is too much for your body can help prevent any unfortunate incidents from occurring in the first place.
Offer some advice on how to avoid drink driving altogether
If you plan on drinking, the best thing is to first make sure a designated driver has been agreed upon – someone who can get you home safely. Always have a backup plan in case anything changes, such as an Uber or cab ride in your pocket that you can call in an emergency. You should also set limits for yourself; because above the legal limit of 0.08 BAC, the risk of getting into an accident is significantly higher. Ultimately, if you do find yourself unsure of your ability to drive due to alcohol consumption, always play it safe and get a different form of transport home than your car.