I recently had the opportunity to talk to Brian Iste and it was great to hear him express his thoughts on the model in more than 140 characters.He runs Flipped classroom, and the chat on Twitter on Monday night was a great chance to learn more about the model.
As with every new fad or trend, there are many people who try to use the model to make money and jump on the bandwagon without really understanding what they are committed to. Techsmith has dedicated a whole section of its website to the FlipClass model. I’ve seen and heard Khan Academy get involved in discussions about overturned classrooms. Teachers pretend to use videos to present content to their students, but the idea is not to replace the teacher, but content as a whole. In my experience at KA, the content is conveyed in a way.
Educators Planning
For educators planning to turn the tables, one of the questions that needs to be resolved is what technology is needed to deliver the course content to their students. Video will play a major role in most tilted classrooms, and as such, schools should consider the technology used to record and share class videos with their students, i.e.
There are many tools teachers can use to tackle classroom upheaval. We have listed some tools that we think will be useful if you decide to include Flipped Learning in your lessons.
Flipped Classrooms can enhance traditional lectures. The key is that students use the lessons to deepen their understanding, improve their skills and use their new knowledge. CFT director Derek Bruff has a good blog post about flipped classrooms, which is great to embed as a reference.
Students can take control of their learning by walking at their own pace. You can watch the video as many times as you need to, rewind, pause, and take notes as you work to capture the concepts.
Self-tests and short assessments confirm that they have mastered the necessary concepts to prepare for the class discussion. Turning the classroom upside down is not an all-or-nothing approach.
The tilted classroom model contains many forms of tilted teaching. Teachers can provide their students with videos or texts to learn new content and complete an evaluation that follows the content.
They can also offer interactive lessons, such as Hyperdoc, that require students to spend more time on the material than just completing an activity or consuming content.
These activities depend on the learning objectives of the class, culture and discipline. Provision of activities in the classroom that focus on high-level cognitive activities (e.g. As soon as students acquire basic knowledge in the classroom, they must spend their time promoting in-depth learning.
Flipped Classroom Formats
The tilted classroom format appeals to high achievers and those who tend to underperform. The high-performing students come to the class that is prepared to turn the course around, not only because they benefit from the opportunity to apply their knowledge, but also to teach others.
The low-performing pupil benefits from the cooperative knowledge of his peers, deals more with the material and contributes to the conversation.
At best, an upside-down classroom offers students the benefit of greater control over their learning. In many ways, this makes perfect sense. Flipped learning, personalized learning, and gamification dominate most of the press, but they are not practiced nearly as often as you might think. They require more time and resources than many others.
You may think that turning the pages of your classroom frees you from being a good teacher. You might think that you are up to date. Or you might think it creates a 21st-century classroom. But flipping is not just about using the latest technology. Pedagogy should be driven by technology, never vice versa.
Firstly, the preservation and transfer of knowledge by students into professional practice are worthy of scrutiny. Second, future research should examine the differences between tilted classrooms and knowledge needed at different cognitive levels.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, she should use changing attitudes as a moderator to examine the impact of tilted classrooms on knowledge acquisition.
Flipped Classroom Techniques
For example, flipped classroom techniques for chromatography and electrophoresis can be used, using traditional teaching methods for absorption emission spectroscopy.
The tests carried out on this subject are based on what is done in the classroom and in lecture videos. Lecture videos cover theory, instrumentation and explanations of the topic. In chemistry, certain topics can be reversed.
Within 20 weeks, students in upside-down classrooms performed better than students in traditional classrooms. The following year, teachers using the reverse model in ninth grade saw a dramatic decline in diarrhea rates in English, math, science, and social sciences, and the diarrhea rate in school dropped from 30% to 10% in 2011. As a result, standardized tests rose and fell again in 2012.
As you can see, students perform worse in Flipped Learning, and one of the most prominent examples of this is Jeremy Strayer’s doctoral thesis, which was an early milestone in Flipped Learning Research.
In reverse learning, students do better than traditional students, but the effect is modest, and it is only statistically significant if it is broken down to the level of Richard Hake and the 6,000 students Hake studied in 1998.
Working through the paper, one can see problems with the way the model is implemented in the classroom – Strayer, for example, does not have sufficient support for students working through intelligent tutoring systems.
Another disadvantage of flipped learning is that, because it relies on technology, students must have access to the Internet to learn at home. This highlights the digital divide between affluent students and their poorer peers, and students without access to technology will have a hard time.